Friday, September 3, 2010


Over 9,000 miles logged this summer, and counting

All in the car, from Iowa to Utah, back to Iowa, to Washington D.C., back to Utah and home to Iowa again. I've driven to Nauvoo and back, and also to St. Louis and back.

I wish I lived in the 1950's and I could make a Jell-O mold and throw on some pearls and invite my friends and neighbors over to watch a slide show of my travels narrated by Robert with colorful commentary from yours truly.

Wouldn't that be fun?

Well pull up a lawn chair and make yourself some fondue, because my blog is the next best thing. Here's a virtual slide show of our trip to the lake with Robert's brother and his family during our last visit to Utah.
Bob and Earl

One of the many crawdads my kids caught. They were so disappointed that I didn't fry them up with some butter and garlic and serve them for dinner.
Creed, Jack, Hailey and Rhett, catching crawdads.

Right now my kids are literally waiting in the car for me to finish my post so that we can drive down to Texas. Gotta go!


diana said...

Utah, Texas . . . Is Hawaii next? Please?

I love that the kids wanted to eat the crawdads. Just looking at the picture gives me the heebie jeebies.

The Yarn Queen said...

My first thought is you must be insane to log that many miles with kids in a car, but then again you do stay up until 4 playing board games.