Sunday, September 12, 2010


It's easy to write about the things I eat.

Pad Thai from Nut Pob last night:
You should have seen the daggers that shot out of Jackie's eyes when our server told her they were out of peanut sauce for her satay. It was hilarious. The conversation went something like this:

Cute little Laotian/Thai Server who looked like she was about 14 years old, but could have been anywhere between 18 and 52 (damn Asian genetics):
I'm sorry ma'am, but we just ran out of peanut sauce.

Jackie (without breaking eye contact):
Nope. Uh uh. That's not possible. You cannot be serious.

(Then she turned purple and everyone at the table sucked air in collectively. Because She. Was. Pissed.)

Server (looking down at her hands, afraid to make eye contact):
I'm sorry, we are out.

Jackie (as if saying it out loud would make it true):
No you're not. That's just not possible.

(Scurries away, mumbling.)

Jackie (hollering after her):
This is a Restaurant. When you Run Out Of Something, you MAKE MORE!

She really wanted that peanut sauce.

At this point, I was falling out of my chair leaning away from her trying not to get stung by the daggers she was throwing from her eyes. I tentatively suggested that we could leave and eat someplace else. We were discussing our options when the cute little server returned and announced:

I'm sorry. We have sauce. They just brought in some more.

and the beast inside Jackie was soothed and I decided that maybe I should start saying things out loud like

"I can eat that and actually lose weight."
"All the kids' beds will be made this morning."
"The laundry will fold itself today."
"I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and dog-gonnit, people like me."

The peanut sauce was fantastic.*

It's fun to order Sticky Rice in a restaurant. It comes in its own individual basket, steamed and stickified just for you.

Make sure your hands are clean before you dig in!

Get in touch with your inner play doh child by rolling it into a little ball in the palms of your hands.

Dip the ball in some Angry Chicken or Ginger Pork. Nut Pob doesn't have Massaman Curry on their menu, or else that's what I would have dipped mine in.

And enjoy!
The last time I ate rice like this, I was in the Philippines in my swimsuit using a banana leaf as a plate. Did you know that I used to be an international traveller? Ah, those were the days.

(Are you getting sick of bad photos from my phone yet? They are just so convenient!)

*This story was told with Jackie's permission with the caveat that parts may have been embellished. The only part that I embellished, though, was the part where she yelled after the server. She just said it to those of us at the table in a Very Loud Voice.


Christie said...

I'm way too scared to ever try that. I always regret it, too.

diana said...

Aaaah one of my favorite posts so far! (And I've loved so many).... But saying things out loud to make them happen. Love it.

"My brother the doctor will come visit me in paradise very soon!"