Friday, September 10, 2010


She chose this ensemble herself from head to toe. Oh, who am i kidding? She picks out her own clothes every day. She has begun to phase me out and she's only six.

The front of the jacket is ALL SEQUINS. I am in awe/envy of her confidence.


diana said...

I love her supermodel pose. Tyra Banks eat your heart out!

Oh and I think your potato vine is growing so beautifully it may have camouflaged a carton of eggs on your porch.

Liz said...

Stella is taking the carton of eggs to school for her rock collection. Yes, the vine is taking over.

mae said...

Adorable. That's pretty much all I can say about that.

I feel like I have been missing out on something great after I read your last post...that syrup sounds so delicious. Much better than the bran muffins I made this morning (that nobody ate but me). I want you to post a pic of your puffed oven pancake recipe too...

I was also happy to see Andrew in your last, last post. He and his little lady look great.