Sunday, September 19, 2010


The one where I bear my soul.


I may have ADD.


This is what my list looks like today.

1. Hike Havasu Pi with my family
2. Finish school
3. Complete a marathon, eh, or not
4. Have a thoughtfully decorated home
5. Put pen to paper and write My Story
6. Pay off Robert's student loan debts
7. Make myself useful
8. Maintain a compost heap complete with red wrigglers and kitchen scraps
9. Learn to quilt/finish a quilt
10. Convince Sara that we should have a "Sisters Weekend" tradition
11. Achieve fluency in a foreign language
12. Celebrate my 50th wedding anniversary
13. Canoe the Boundary Waters with my family
14. Learn to play an instrument
15. Take singing lessons
16. Become SCUBA certified
17. Witness a solar eclipse
18. Go to Macchu Picchu, Peru
19. Visit the Coliseum in Rome
20. Visit all 49 of the 50 United States, I'm not sure I need to see Alabama
21. Visit all 7 continents
22. Beat someone (anyone!) at Chess
23. Participate in building a Habitat for Humanity home
34. Establish a scholarship fund for students with families
35. Use my reusable grocery sacks
36. Drive less/walk and bike more
37. Have bidets in my home
38. Value people and experiences more than things
39. Make a documentary film
40. Learn a language other than English
41. Inspire others
42. Six pack abs, defined calves
43. Find the perfect shade of lipstick
44. After I've done #42, sit on a beach somewhere, sipping a drink with a little umbrella.
45. Send out Christmas Cards

Robert is sitting next to me and looking over my shoulder. He offered to help me with #7, and told me to go get him a soda. He's so thoughtful.

What does your list look like?


Robyn said...

I see doing all of these things!!

Ps. #20 cracked me up!

Christie said...

You could totally beat me at chess. I don't even know how to play.

Sissy Jackson said...

Wow...looks like you need to get busy...I'll help you with Spanish...want to take a class together? You know, ALL of those things are possible...ALL of them. That is the really cool part! Let me know if you need anything. Im here to I be invited to your Sisters weekend thing...I dont have a sister...could I be part of your sisterhood?

Sara said...

I do want to have a sisters weekend. I guess I just need to start an envelope for it and it's totally done. We can go to Peru and Rome. I'v wanted to go to Macchu Picchu ever since my visiting teacher went when I lived in California and I found out what it is.

Sissy's right, those things are totally doable. But you are already useful, don't you think so? I think I'm useful and I only take care of myself and sometimes my baby. I don't even have to do anything for my husband.

I think I'm just going to call you. This post is a conversation starter.

I'm sure there's something to see in Alabama.

Matt and Erin said...

So glad you're back in the blogging world. I rarely comment, but you can be sure I always read! I so want to canoe the Boundary Waters, too. Maybe I should start small though, and use my reusable grocery bags. We dream big around here, eh?!