Monday, September 20, 2010


Today is Monday.

Can't trust that day.

I woke up with two new zits. One of them was right on the edge of my lip. You know the spot. That spot where it is super painful to have a zit.

On the plus side, I had a pretty good hair day.

The only housework I did today was to load the breakfast dishes into the dishwasher. I'm a lousy housekeeper. "and Ann B. Davis as Alice."

The morning was spent taking King George to various activities; Mommy and Me Music at a local church and Mother Goose time at the library. He's warming up to the experience. Music time was in a large gym, and we were told in no uncertain terms that it is against the rules to run around in there.

It's hard to stop a two year old from running around a wide open space.

Sara is coming in January! Hooray! I need to call my mom and get her to come for one of the weekends. We are already thinking about Nan's Nummies brownies.

Ugh. Sara's not coming until January. She will be my ray of sunshine to brighten a bleak, cold winter.

Stella has moved up to the barre in ballet.

The door stays open for the first half of class, so we can watch if we want.

I left my book (the one I stayed up until 4 a.m. reading on Saturday night) at the ballet school.

Also, she now needs a black leotard.

Right now Sara is comparing her career as a ballerina to Stella's. In her mind she is comparing an old photo of herself in ballet class to these photos of the Princess.

And that was Monday.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

diana said...

I do know that spot! Oh so painful. But somehow impossible to resist squeezing.