Tuesday, September 14, 2010


George loves waving the kids off to school. "Bye guys! Bye guys! Have good day!"

After they are gone, we settle in for some snuggly reading time.

Yesterday he attended his very first library class. I use the library classes to fool the kids into thinking they go to preschool. He was not impressed by the lady or her puppets. He spent the half hour class slumped against me, refusing to participate. Maybe he'll be the one kid that doesn't beg to go to the after school day care when he starts Kindygarten.

Do your kids do that?

After school they are greeted by a mother with arms open wide rejoicing at their return. I exclaim things like "Hooray! You're home! I missed you so much!" (Whether I missed them or not.) Many days I even have, don't laugh, warm cookies and milk waiting for them. Yet all three of them ask me to sign them up for the after school day care programs.

Sometimes I wonder if stay-at-home mothering is really worth the sacrifice.

On Sunday afternoon, the discussion turned to levels of education.

"Dad," Creed asked, "did you finish college?"

"Yeah, Creed. I finished. You attended my graduation."

"Oh yeah! Mom didn't finish, though," Creed continued, smiling at me.

Robert, aware of my feelings on that particular subject, replied, "Rude, Creed. Mom doesn't need you pointing out that she didn't finish college. Yet." Sensitivity to others' feeling is something we are continually working on with Creed.

His face fell and he ran into his room, crying and sobbing.

No matter how strong my sense of longing to finish school is, it is not worth Creed being upset. Of course, Robert followed him into his bedroom.

Moments later, Robert emerged from his talk with our second son a little misty eyed. "You know what he said to me, Liz? He said 'I was just thinking that mom didn't go to school so that she could always be here with us, and I'm glad she didn't go to school. I like being with mom all the time. Other kids have to go to babysitters, and we don't.'"

Well, okay then.


Sara said...

That kid is so awesome, I can't stand it. His body is on a schedule, ya know.

bamatamb said...
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Megane said...

that is priceless! sometimes my kids wish the same thing and I always tell them it is not as exciting as it sounds, "school for another 2-3 hours or home with me and you playing what you want?" being with me always wins :) (the playing is just an added bonus) I too will go to school again someday, but I guess I have to let me kiddos finish before I do?!

Christie said...

That kid is so freaking awesome. Heart him so much.

And how awesome are you for blogging EVERY DAY? You are my hero.

Sissy Jackson said...

All I can say is that YOUR KID ROCKS MY WORLD! I always did love that little Creed! He is an AWESOME kid. No worries girl...what you are doing now is so much more important than what you could have finished! You give your kids warm cookies & milk? Damn! I stink...

Becky said...

I think it's hilarious that Creed wasn't sure if Dr. Bob had finished college!

What a sweet kid. Yes, it's worth being home with them! My kids have never asked to go to "aftercare." I think they feel sorry for their friends that go! I guess I do, too, especially the little kindies who have to go before and after school, plus go to the "kindergarten enrichment" program, instead of just 3 hours of school. I'm sure it's hard on their parents, too, but you do what you gotta do.