Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A Better Halloween there Never Was

Does life get any better than a glow-in-the dark anatomically correct skeleton and a cowboy who died from a bullet to the head . . . . . . and Snow White and seeing your dad wearing your pajamas?

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Super Tuesday

Last night, when Sara and I realized that Bob was taking the car to work today, we went to the local RedBox and rented a few movies. We had a great day watching crap and baking cookies and cinnamon rolls. Here are the reviews of the movies we watched in the order that we viewed them:

Dreamgirls: We don’t get what all the hype was about. GLAD we didn’t pay full price to see it.

Evening: Some lady was dying, being visited by another lady in a sparkly dress at night, the sick lady kept babbling about people her daughters didn’t know, and Claire Danes was visiting some snobby rich people for a wedding. Don’t be sucked in by Toni Collette. This was no Muriel’s Wedding.

The Messengers: By far the best movie we rented. We both liked it.

Center Stage: I actually own this movie, I have watched it many times, and we both enjoyed today’s viewing. The final ballet is choreographed to Jamiroquai’s “Canned Heat” made popular by a certain bow hunter who lives in Preston, Idaho.

Underdog: We all went to this movie at the local bargain theater. On Tuesdays you can bring your own bag and get free popcorn!! And . . . . the movie was great!

yes, we watched five movies today. so what?

Monday, October 1, 2007

Random Updates

Our house has been boring lately, which is why there has been such a blogging dry spell. However, my sister informs me that frequent updates (no matter how boring) are much appreciated. So here goes:

Stella had a caterpillar from Creed’s teacher that turned into a cocoon and a few days later a butterfly emerged. It was very exciting.

Creed is still a nut and loves to draw. He has recently launched a campaign to sell his art for cash. One day, he taped several of his creations to the lamppost out front with a sign reading “Please buy these, we don’t have a lot of things.” I suspect that he had asked for a toy or a treat at the store and I must have said no. Jack offered to buy some of it, but Creed wouldn’t budge on the $20.50 price tag.

Jack is doing better. He definitely seems much happier. He won a contest at school. There was a jar of marshmallows and the students were to guess how many marshmallows were in the jar. He came in third place and won a free book at the book fair.

The wall in our shower rotted away along with a portion of the floor in the bathroom, so Robert has had a hands on lesson in bathroom remodeling. We have joined the throngs of homeowners who have credit accounts with the Home Depot.

Aunt Sara is here!

We are thinking of the Smith’s and Karaoke today at Mont’s house.