Friday, September 17, 2010


Other stops on our Tour of D.C., which I photographed on my phone, included:

The National Museum of Health and Medicine, located way off the beaten path on the grounds of the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. I thought it was totally worth the 30 minute bus ride we took to get there.

That sounded a bit sarcastic, but I was sincere. The NMHM was unlike any other place we went in D.C.

Jack holding a plastinated human heart

Stella holding a plastinated human brain

Look closely, this is a bezoar that was removed from a young girl who ate her hair. A few days after we saw this, Stella announced "Mom, since we saw that bezoar I have not chewed on my hair even once."

Pictured behind the kids in this photo is a megacolon. It was removed from a man in his early twenties whose chief complaint was chronic constipation. I love my metamucil.

The National Geographic museum had an amazing exhibit about Leonardo DaVinci. They had taken sketches and plans from his journals and built his machines. Many of them were things we were allowed to operate.


This is $1,000,000 in ten dollar notes.

Museum of Natural History

We were lucky to have my dad's wife, Nana Sue, join us during the first two days of our trip. We bought tickets to tour the city on the double decker bus during those two days and after that we took the subway all over town. We had a great time!

Come to think of it, we have Nana Sue to thank for our recent obsession with squid legs and Thai Food.



diana said...

Stella's facial expressions just keep getting better and better.

That bezoar is disgusting. I much prefer the Harry Potter version: a Bezoar taken from the stomach of a goat can be used as an anecdote for any magical poison.

bamatamb said...

New word for the day--bezoar. Yep, I looked it up. And it's very gross. Blech.

And the poor colon guy. Wow.

Thanks for sharing! I love the "a-post-a-day" format; I hope you keep it up! :)

mae said...

The best part of those pictures was not the bezoars or colons, it was your kids...namely Stella and the faces she is pulling. Classic. Thanks for the laugh.