Thursday, September 1, 2011


Downsizing our household has been so much fun. The bedrooms in our house are just big enough for two twin beds and maybe a nightstand between them. This means we are eliminating dressers. We only have one. I brought it with me from my parents' house when I married Robert.

When we dropped it off at the D.I. Robert made the observation that he has now supplanted the dresser as the item I have had the longest. I received that dresser for my 15th or 16th birthday.

I guess we just donated my dowry.


Christie said...

Robert's definitely better than a dresser. You were wise to keep him instead.

Unknown said...

The tone in your blog posts sounds so much happier now that Bob is happy as well. Wish you guys the best in Utah, though I know Iowa misses you.

Sara said...

That dresser is going to make someone feel like they won the jackpot when they buy it.

Liz said...

I thought so too, thanks for the validation, Christie.

Elle, we are happier. I blame all the sunshine.

Did you want it sara? I should have asked you before I took it to the D.I. I do have a box of stuff for Grant, but I didn't think you would want my crappy old furniture.