Saturday, September 3, 2011


Jack, Creed, and Stella are some of the most adventurous eaters I have ever known. Since they were babies, they have eaten (mostly) whatever was put in front of them. I used to dump salsa on their high chair trays and let them have at it. One of Creed's favorite foods is fried squid legs, for crying out loud! They have been known to fight over who gets the onions in the pot roast. They all love sushi, seafood, veggies, fruits, everything.

The other day I sliced up an avocado and didn't put any slices on the kids' plates at dinner. What kid likes plain avocado? When they saw the green goo on their parents' plates, they all piped up with "Why does dad get avocado and not us?"

Simmer down, you can have avocado. Sheesh.

Somehow, George is the exact opposite. He survives on milk, bananas, oatmeal, black beans, cookies, yogurt, string cheese, and french fries. . . and chewable vitamins when I remember to give him one. Recently I decided I had had enough. I refuse to raise picky eaters and I was committed to solving the problem.

I determined that I would starve the pickiness out of him.

My new rules were:

  • no cups of milk until after he eats his food, but he can have all the water he wants
  • no snacks for at least an hour before a meal
  • absolutely no snacks between meals if he didn't eat the previous meal
  • and if he didn't eat a particular meal, it was saved and offered to him again at the next meal
  • no trying to talk him into eating anything (this one is especially hard, but keeps me sane)
  • he has to sit at the table until either a) he has had a bite of everything or b) bedtime
When I first started, I felt so harsh. There have been evenings when my baby sat at the dinner table from 4:30pm to 7:30pm. We won't even talk about the two day taco incident.

I persevered, though. I was patient and unemotional (why do I forget that I need to remove my emotions from the parenting equation?) and luckily he is catching on before starving to death.

Lately he has eaten among other things: grilled cheese sandwiches, salmon patties, zucchini, lettuce, blueberries, pasta with red sauce and meatballs, a hamburger for breakfast on Thursday, toast, and pancakes.

We had out of towners here this morning for breakfast and one of them even called him a good eater!

Tonight we had lasagna and here is phone-tographic proof that he enjoyed it! He even ate the spinach.

"Is this basanya, mama?"

"Yes, it is basanya, George. Next I will teach you about utensils. Baby steps."


That's Ms. Amy to You... said...

Maybe it's time for me to try that with J. He has been known to request Peanut butter & jelly for all 3 meals.

Christie said...

I remember when we visited your house and you asked if my kids liked broccoli. When I replied that they didn't, you were a little shocked and said, "Broccoli is like our staple." I vowed then and there to get my children to eat broccoli and like it. I started serving it at meals and now they will all eat it. I fully credit your genius for the addition of a great green vegetable in our lives. No wonder you trained George! You are the best.

bamatamb said...

You're such a good mom! My kids are semi-picky; not terribly so, but more so than I'd like. Anyway, good job!

sarita said...

I totally needed this post! Maddie is (still) our pickiest eater and after reading this I am determined to change that---and thanks for the reminder to take the emotion out of makes my life so much more pleasant!

Linette Smith said...

i just love your blog. i don't always leave a comment but i always feel better after i've read it. so fun you're back home. Linette