Friday, July 22, 2011

Different Elements of Everything

An Interview with the Birthday Boy

Favorite Snack: Olive oil and balsamic vinegar with bread or apples and peanut butter

Favorite Dinner: Beans and Rice

Favorite Cuisine: I like different elements of everything.

Favorite School Subject: Reading

Favorite Hobby: Legos or Reading

Favorite Book: Ender's Game

Favorite Sport: Tennis

Favorite Band: The Aquabats and Barenaked Ladies

Favorite Movie: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Favorite Color: Red & Black

Favorite Personality Trait in Yourself: Smart, polite, respectful, responsible

Would Like to Develop More: Patience

Favorite Physical Trait: I am handsome and strong.

Favorite T.V. show? Mythbusters

Favorite game: Nexus Ops (this is not a video game. It's a board game. Click on the link to learn more.)

Biggest Regret: Spending my money at the arcade.

What is the hardest thing you have ever done? Moved to Iowa

What is the thing you have done that makes you most proud? Read the Book of Mormon cover to cover in three weeks.

What is your goal for this year? to get more daring to try new things

What would you like to teach younger generations? pick up after yourself.

What are you most looking forward to this year? Moving to St. George

If you could have dinner with any three people, who would they be? I can't narrow it down. Harry Potter, Ender Wiggin, Master Chief, Bill Gates or Bill Cosby

If you could have three wishes, what would they be?
  1. A wallet that magically appears in my pocket if I lose it and always has $200 in it.
  2. Tap into any knowledge instantly.
  3. Read other people's thoughts. I told him I would never want that power. I do NOT want to know what people are actually thinking. His reply? I want to read people's thoughts so that I can help resolve conflicts.
What are you most worried about? All the nuclear weapons in the world.

What would you do with a million dollars? First I would pay off dad's student loans, then I would buy an XBOX 360, Halo Reach, Ninja Plus, some cool Apps for dad's IPOD touch, everyone in my family something they want and all the people we are related to something small. And I would have my watch repaired.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Successful. That means that I would have lots of money, be a good person with a wife and kids, faithful, a return missionary, and we would have Family Home Evening.


sarita said...

Years ago I told you that I hope my Isaac grows up to be a nice boy like Jack.

That statement still stands. Well done.

bamatamb said...

Wow, what a kind, mature, young man you have! I think the last time I saw him (the only time, I think), you were at your parents house in Tooele and I came for a visit. He was tiny enough that he was nursing, and I remember thinking, Holy Cow, that's weird. I was still a single college student and you seemed so much more grown up than me at the time. Anyway, he seems like a super kid! Ya done good!

diana said...

Aaaawwwwwww!!! I LOVE HIM! I just read that post aloud so Lolo and Lola could hear it too and it was hard not read because I kept getting choked up. Sweet, sweet, sweet, smart, handsome and strong Jack, what an amazing nephew I have. I can honestly say that the world is a better place because that little boy was born twelve years ago today.

But I do have one clarifying question... Which Deathly Hallows? Part 1 or 2?

Liz said...

Sara: I hope I grow up to be just like jack, too.

Michonne: I remember that day. Was that the last time I saw you? Let's meet up after I move back!

Oh, Diana, he loves you too. Thanks for sharing with Lolo and Lola. Part two!!

Jen said...

Wow! You have an awesome boy there. I can only home that mine would answer 1/2 those questions that well when they are Jack's age. You are a wonderful mom.

The Robinson Bunch said...

oh my gosh this interview made me CRY! what a sweet young man you've got there, awww how sweet! I hope my boys turn out just like him!....thanks for sharing this with your loyal readers :-)

Liz said...

Jen, he arrived that way. I wish I could take credit for him, but I really believe it's just the luck of the draw.

Tiffany: thank you for BEING a loyal reader. Have a coke on me!