Saturday, July 9, 2011

Sometimes I go on dates with people that aren't Robert.

It's not as scandalous as it sounds.

I took Creed (Henry) on a date. We had ice cream.

I believe he chose a Vanilla Cookie Dough Concrete mixer.

I had a small cup of Chocolate ice cream (custard) with Peanut Butter Sauce.

We decided to spread some anonymous cheer around our neighborhood. We acquired some inexpensive note cards and wrote positive, uplifting messages on them. Then we drove around town delivering them in places where they were sure to be found. Creed even approached a couple of strangers exiting a restaurant and offered them his notes.

There was a lot of giggling and running around trying to avoid being seen. I would pull up next to a parked car and he would jump out of our car, place a notecard under the windshield wiper of the parked car, then jump back into our car and we would zoom away in a fit of laughter.

I learned that he and I have very different styles when it comes to an uplifting message.

I included poetry and famous quotes.

Here's an example:
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Creed took the "laughter is the best medicine" approach and went for those laughs.


And here he is in Valley Junction pausing for a photo.
Dating my kids is one of my favorite activities. I love getting them all alone for an hour or two.


That's Ms. Amy to You... said...

That is an awesome idea. And now I am dying for some peanut butter sauce. ;)

Christie said...

You are a rock star. This is such a cool idea.

Liz said...

It really was a grand time. We bonded.

Tara : Damon : Ellis : Hudson said...

I love this, and his potty humor. I try to take my baby boyfriend on fun dates but spend the whole time repeating "eyes up here buddy!" and, "woah, no-hands-zone, mister!". Maybe next year.

Liz said...

Tara, you are hilarious. I love YOUR humor.