Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Case of the Missing Milk

Last week I lost the milk.  

I came home from the Workout From Hell and opened the refrigerator to pound a glass of CowJuice (the best sports recovery drink ever) and it wasn't there.

It just . . . wasn't there.

I was sure that just the day before I had more than half a gallon left.

I was sure that the kids had not drunk the whole thing because we were out of Nestle Quik.  Also, there was not an empty plastic container to be found in the house.

It truly was a mystery.  

I shrugged my shoulders, hopped in the car, and went to the store to buy a new gallon.

Thirty three dollars and eighteen cents later, I returned with milk, lemons, six cans of tomatoes, four cans of black beans, bananas, graham crackers, butter, bread, and I don't remember what else.

The missing milk was like an itch I couldn't reach that day.  I thought about it as I splashed around at the pool with my children.

I thought about it as I filled my wretched/glorious mini-van with fuel.

I thought about it as I prepared bar-b-que meatballs and mashed potatoes (better tasting than they sound) with a garden salad for supper.

I thought about it as I sat in the Varsity Theater and watched Departures and I tried not to audibly cry through the whole thing.

The next day the missing milk was more like an aunt I should call more often.  I remembered it in fleeting moments, but wasn't obsessed with it like I was the day before.

After a few more days, I had all but forgotten about the mysterious disappearing milk.

Until I found it.

It was in this cupboard in that empty space on the top shelf.

And it wasn't milk anymore.

Hurry home darling, I'm lost without you.


Robert or Liz said...

Thanks for the update, I miss you. Love the milk carrier, messy face and all.

Christie said...

Oh, yuck.

I've had that missing something feeling all day today. Pretty sure all our milk is accounted for. Here's hoping I don't find any surprises in the cupboard like yours.

Megane said...

That is hilarious!!!! Good thing you found it

mae said...

aha! I love a good mystery.

Sara said...

Man oh man, that girl is...is...is...there are no words that do her justice.

That's Ms. Amy to You... said...

I always thought you wanted to make your own yogurt,but didn't think you'd put the young one to work on it!

Share the BBQ meatball recipe, please!

diana said...

Sorry you miss him but we love having him here! And I'm so in love with little George.