Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Magic Mirror on the Wall

Am I the only one not feeling particularly bloggy?

My blog has become the neglected stepchild of my family.

Poor little blog.

Don't you fret.

Maybe I'll find some inspiration at the bottom of the laundry basket.

In the meantime, contemplate this:

Must I truly endure acne and wrinkles at the same time?

Why couldn't I outgrow the one before developing the other?

And while we are on the subject of me and my development, look at this!

I have been developing quite nicely.  No, I am NOT expecting to deliver a baby in a few months.  Not unless it's a baby made entirely of chocolate chip cookie dough, home-made ice cream, bar-b-que'd hamburgers, and toasted bagels dripping in butter.  That's all me, baby.  My center is soft and delicious, as explained to me by Reachel at Cardigan Empire.

Clearly, I'm enjoying my summer far too much. 

It's okay, though.  According to Robert, I'm still the fairest of them all.

P.S. You are all fired as my sense knocker into-ers.  My children, however, are quite good at knocking me with sense when I start talking crazy.  Just by being them.


jamirodana said...

Haha! I agree with the acne and wrinkles thing. Also, why do we have to endure it after age 30?
We have so many other horrible things coming ahead: menopause, incontinence, our nose and ears growing bigger than everything else, etc... Blah!
I love your pics by the way!
You make me laugh and I appreciate you not "photoshopping" pics. I love the "RAW-NESS"!
By the way, you still look FABULOUS woman!

Christie said...

Yes, but how fabulous is your blond hair? You are gorgeous, my friend.

What's really wrong is just how much better looking men get with age while us women only get wrinklier and softer. THAT is a travesty.

That's Ms. Amy to You... said...

You crack me up. And I still double-dog-dare-ya.

Megane said...

I'm sorry I didn't knock some sense into you when I read your earlier sos. I read the comments & everyone seemed to be saying do it and I was going to respond DOn't. ;) After having my 4th, I didn't know if my opinion would be coming from recovery from childbirth or what!!! You have 4 beautiful children, enjoy them!!(thats what I was going to say)but I am sure any other roses would be just as beautiful, like you!

Pamela said...

Ah kids are so good about knocking sense into you aren't they. Just when I think I could do another, I realize the kids naptime isn't 24 hours a day. That peace is very short lived!