Thursday, August 27, 2009

In Which I Cram an Entire Summer into One Post

How to Have the
Best Summer Ever

I recommend that you begin your summer with a ballet recital. Be sure that the ballerinas are devastatingly cute. Stella was a fairy in the ballet "Don Quixote," although if you ask her, she was in "Donkey Otee."
Find a local body of water and splash around with your brother.

Swing on a tire swing with your Bruncle.

Have a big July Fourth Bar-b-que and invite a lot of people. It's best if someone provides plenty of illegal fireworks (I do not, however, recommend that you launch said fireworks toward your neighbors' homes.) For added fun, bring a water balloon launcher (or two) and launch various things at each other. Don't forget the Roman Candle fights!
I think you should take your children swimming. Every day. My baby took his first steps at the pool.

Celebrate a decade of parenthood when your oldest turns ten.

Have a birthday party for the oldest. (Did I mention he turned ten this summer? TEN!) He had the easiest birthday party ever, and I heard several kids exclaim "This is the best birthday party I've ever been to!" We ordered pizza and watched "PeeWee's Big Adventure." Try it for your next birthday celebration and thank me later.

Invite your husband's friends over for his birthday party and giggle at the gifts they give him. I also giggled at the home-made party hats they wore.
Find a river and throw some rocks into it.
Discover the joy of green markers.

Our summer also included lots of popsicle eating and lots of book reading.
We saw one or two movies and we had butter on our popcorn.
Every now and then, we stayed in and had a movie night in the front room.
We ate home-made ice cream, homegrown tomatoes, and home-made jam.
We rode our bikes and we walked a few trails.
We laughed at ourselves and we laughed at each other.
We unplugged and we unwound.

All of these summer activities come highly recommended by Yours Truly. I do NOT, however, recommend that you end the perfect summer by sending your husband away for the entire month of August. If you are anything like me, you will get ridiculously lonely. Especially if you have a moment of insanity and allow him to take your baby with him.


Sara said...

I would've given my right arm to see that performance of Donkey Otee!

Sissy Jackson said...

Sounds like a GREAT summer. I love you, but I miss your laugh more!

That's Ms. Amy to You... said...


diana said...

Looks and sounds like it was a perfect summer. I loved seeing Bob and George in Utah. But I can't imagine how much you must miss them.

Christie said...

Gorgeous pics, my friend. That one of George splashing in the water is divine. Blow that puppy up and put it in a frame.

mae said...

Aaaah. I love summer.

It has been fun to see Bob and George but I imagine that you are so ready for them to come home!

Oh yeah, Stella as a ballerina... So cute I can't even find words.

The Yarn Queen said...

Wasn't summmer extra short this year. You are amazing to get that much in, they are probably calling you the super Mom of the neighborhood.
Good Work!

Becky said...

Hi, Liz!!! It's time for us to get back in touch. I can't believe it's been 3 years. I've thought of you often. Do you still have the same e-mail as back then? My blog is

Love, Becky