Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Lovers of the Undead in Southern Utah

A few months ago, Robert returned at the end of another long, exhausting, frustrating day at work. His face and demeanor were bravely trying to keep an upbeat attitude about the general hopelessness he clearly felt. As we talked about his day, he used all the familiar words from the past months as he attempted to make light of his misery. I watched him talk for a moment and as I listened, my heart pounded in my chest and my hand reached across the table for his.

He looked at me with no smile, no light in his eye.

Do you know my husband? Robert, of all people, has a light in his eye. He is the man who cheerfully washed dishes at my restaurant so that he could spend time with me while I waited tables. He hummed songs as he scrubbed toilets so that his children could eat when he was in school. He enjoys work. And now, his job, the one he had trained and studied for over the course of our entire 13 almost 14 year marriage, had extinguished it.

He (we) had chosen unwisely, and until that moment a few months ago, I tried to ignore it.

When I finally vocalized what we both knew, "Robert, you hate your job," I watched a weight lift off his shoulders and the stress dissipate ever so slightly.

"I do, I really do," he sighed. Admitting you have a problem is half the battle.

"Find a new one," I told him.

And so he has.

Over the weekend, as I accompanied him on his latest trip, I saw the spring return to his step.

I witnessed the light reignite from within my beloved.

He is positively glowing at the prospect of moving to St. George.

Stella said tonight "I hope there are a lot of girls in St. George who like zombies."

I'm sorry if this is how you are finding out that we are moving. I don't have an excuse for that.


Becky said...

Cool, congrats!

If you're coming through Colorado on your way (or any other time), you should stop by and see us! Jeromy just got a job here, so hopefully he won't hate it and we'll be staying here for a while!

That's Ms. Amy to You... said...

Oh Liz, what a pain. BUT.... it just goes to show that all
the years of school and training gave him (and you) one of the most valuable things of all: OPTIONS. Best of luck with the move.

sarita said...

If I were staying in Iowa I would be so sad, but since I'm not I couldn't be happier for you! Congrats! How exciting to be closer to family and warmer weather!

That's Ms. Amy to You... said...


Chrissy Jo said...

It's sooo hard to work in a job that you don't like. It's hard to watch people you love go through it too. Heck, that's why we moved to Iowa!

As sad as we are to see you go, I'm so excited for you! Warm sun, family a few hours away... PERFECT!

Oh, and Happy Birthday, my dear! I hope it's a wonderful day!

Sara said...

Stella is so funny. Don't forget that Bob used to go put away videos at Hollywood Video when you worked there in your tux.

Christie said...

WOW. I know firsthand the pain of watching your spouse spend his days doing something he loathes. And hats off to you both for having the courage to up and find what you're looking for. I am selfishly so sad, as that means you will be way more than a few hours away from me. But I am so happy for you all. Exciting stuff, change. Maybe we can visit you in the winter. :-)

Kelly said...

What great news! I'm so excited for you guys!! You and are family have been so good to us. We've been so grateful for the many holidays you've shared with us. We will miss you!! (Since we are moving too we would have missed you anyway.) Good luck!!

Laura Bernard said...

Sad for Iowa, but fantastic for you! Best of luck in the headache of moving/selling/buying/packing!

The Robinson Bunch said...

I'm actually a bit jealous of ya! while I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Iowa!...I LOVE st.George as well...I hope you guys find peace, comfort and happiness there. st. george of luck with everything! and let me know if there is anything I can do to help....Tiffany.

Mark and Aupreille said...

That is so sad that Robert disliked his job so much, but that is so wonderful that you guys will be in St. George! We love that area and we will be in Phoenix for residency so you will be closer to me. You still need to go to Seattle with me sometime! Mark's friend is an anesthiologist (no idea how to spell that word) out there so if you want his contact information for housing or what not send me an email and I will get it for you.

Megane said...

I agree with everyone, Congrats and sad for us here, but there is one think I disagree with you didn't chose unwisely in coming to Iowa, you have brightened Many, many lives here and you will be greatly missed!!

Robyn said...

So happy for you! Iowa will not be the same without the Roses. You will be greatly missed.

The Yarn Queen said...

What will St George have in store for you guys? I know your family will be so excited, one sister in particular to have you closer and a Mom who loves to drive. :-)

bamatamb said...

Congratulations! (I read your latest post before this one, so I'm catching up...) Anyway, St. George will be wonderful--good for you! What will Robert's new job be? I wish you all lots and lots of happiness!