Friday, April 8, 2011

We caught coconut on fire . . .

. . . and I grabbed my camera. The week my mom came to stay, we made a batch of cupcakes and ignited the coconut that we were toasting for the topping. The day I post the recipe for my cupcakes, you should immediately log off of the internet and run away, because they are evil.

We happened upon a cake decorating contest at the local mall. The contestants were the finalists in a competition between all of the Hyvee cake decorators all over the midwest. The Wonka Bar was so cute!

I actually don't think this Pasta Cake looks very appetizing, but it reminded me of the time we made backwards dinner with our friends. We made pot roast and mashed potato hot fudge sundaes. It was delightful and I was happy to think of Nick and Michelle.

Robert walked by this suit and exclaimed, "Look, Liz! A suit for a genie!" I think he is hilarious.

Stella was able to have a special day with grandma. She skipped school and went to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch and also went to the spa for a mani/pedi. The next day, Jack and Creed were able to leave school early to see "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules" with grandma.

We enjoyed the above freezing temperatures and went for a walk or two.

Jack likes to use his own money at the gas station for treats. On this day, he bought everyone a snack. I wish he wouldn't spend his money so frivolously, but I'm also heartened by his generosity. He thinks nothing of purchasing treats for his younger siblings.

This was the longest visit I've had with my mom. I loved it!


Christie said...

You know you're a blogger when you reach for your camera instead of the fire extinguisher.

And, um, PLEASE post the recipe. Anything coconut is my love language. Better yet would be you here in my kitchen making them for me (minus the fire, of course).

Your mom is so cute. Glad you had a fun visit!

Sissy Jackson said...

Liz, I just caught up on your blog...LOVE it! YOU GRABBED YOUR CAMERA? Are you CRAZY? I loved it. Would have done the exact same thing...Can you move to my town? I miss laughing with you. :)

diana said...

A suit for a genie... he is so funny.

mae said...

a suit for a genie- too silly.

i heard something very exciting about your family and i am eagerly awaiting news...