Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Because a blog update is as good a use of 30 minutes as anything

On Tuesdays we have piano lessons and guitar lessons all over town. Not really, but I drop the middle children off at piano and then take Jack to guitar about a mile down the street. Today, Robert will pick up the pianists, which gives me a half hour in the parking lot with Georgie.

This is what we look like today.

For your viewing pleasure, I submit the following photo dump and summary of (fairly) recent activities.

A week after our epic Disney trip the kids had spring break. Roberto stayed here to toil away healing the sick and teaching medical students while I loaded our offspring into the family wagon for the twelve hour drive to see grandpa and Nana Sue.

Stella and George were immediately smitten with their Aunt Skyler, whom we met for the first time while we were down there. Judging by all the time she spent coloring and playing games and generally appreciating their senses of humor, the feeling seemed to be mutual.

We picnicked at the local city park and at the state park 45 minutes from their house.

Grandpa was dogpiled every day after work.

We watched movies, played outside, rediscovered Chik-fil-A, went for a hike, played Disney Scene It, reorganized the kitchen, stayed up way too late every night, and ate delicious food.

This is the end of this post, but I have many more pictures to dump . . . so stay tuned.

P.S. Are you jealous that my black tooth is turning black again?


Christie said...

Sounds like a fantastic couple of weeks to me. Road trips? People doting on your children? Climates warmer than your own? Heaven.

Liz said...

Christie, you're not kidding. Without these activities, I doubt we would have survived the end of winter.

I'm Skyler. said...

OF COURSE the feeling was mutual!! I love my new niece and nephews!! Can't wait till we can all get together again! :)