Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Local Comedy

Last night our friend invited us to watch him perform his stand up comedy routine. He had taken a community ed class on the art of Stand-Up (who knew there was such a class?) and this was the students' opportunity to showcase their talents. And can I just tell you . . .

It was one of the best dates we've had in a long time.

The performers ranged in age from the 14 year old who had invited us to the 80+ year old woman whose routine centered around a mitten she had knitted and put in her box of unfinished projects.

There were lots of jokes about Facebook (I deleted my account recently. It was liberating.) and there were many jokes about the movie "Cocoon" directed at all of the aforementioned 80+ year old's supporters in the audience.

For an hour and a half, my smile didn't leave my face.

I know, I just KNOW that if we were going to be living in this town a year from now, Robert would be enrolled in that class.

He would bring the house down, too.


Christie said...

I want to break up with Facebook, too. I think about it all the time. Way to step off the ledge, sista.

P.S. I totally owe you a phone call. I want deets on this new move!

bamatamb said...

So, you're moving within a year? Closer to Utah?? :)

By the way, I noticed you deleted your Facebook account--just as I was about to send you a "Happy Birthday" message on there! I hope you had a good one! :)