Sunday, February 24, 2008

Proof that it’s not all Barry Manilow and Abba around here

On our way to buy some pants for Bob:

Me: Our next book for book club is To Kill a Mockingbird. I adore Atticus Finch. Hey, maybe we can name him Atticus!

Bob: We can’t name another kid after a band, even though your grandpa’s middle name is Axl.

Jack: (From the backseat) Weezer’s a good name for the baby. Or Aquabats, or Beastie Boys! Or how about Beatles?

Hmm . . .

When we arrived home, Stella was begging to hear Dancing Queen. What can I say? I love Abba.

Speaking of Abba . . .

Here’s a little game: Name this movie

“Before I met you, I would sit in my room and listen to Abba songs all day. Now my life IS an Abba song.”

The song reference in my last entry was Talking Heads “Once in a Lifetime.”