Monday, February 11, 2008

My Name is Rosie . . .

. . . and I was accosted by a camera wielding husband yesterday right before church . . .


. . . and I am growing a baby in my stomach.

Word around town was that people wanted another “belly photo.”

I suspect the “people” to whom he referred mostly meant him. And my sister. And possibly my mom. Beyond that, is anyone else really all that interested? Wait. Don’t answer that, unless the answer is in the affirmative.

Yes, I know my hair is long. It’s looking rather pathological. Believe me, the only thing that is missing from my life (besides maybe a KitchenAid and some hardware for my kitchen cupboards) is someone I trust to come near me holding a pair of scissors. Oh Liz H., how I miss you. Let me count the ways . . .