Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Interrupting our Regularly Scheduled Program

To bring you breaking news.

I have the best Tax Guy on the planet. His name is Dallas, I’ve known him longer than I’ve known almost anyone else, and a few years ago he started saving my hubby and myself money and headaches.

Here he is working on my 2007 taxes:


He sends me emails and writes blog entries directly from his iPhone.

He rides a Harley Davidson.

He used to kidnap my husband on a regular basis to go watch ridiculous movies at Brewvies, but he also schemed with my husband to send me and his wife on a surprise trip to Los Angeles.

So, sorry to all the single ladies out there, he is happily married to one of the most patient mothers I know who also happens to be another one of my best friends.

I pretty much love spending time with him and his family. I could write a blog entry every day about him and his peeps.

Just for today, though, know that we miss you, Dallas & Shannon.

If you are looking for a great accountant, he is your man.