Thursday, August 23, 2007

Stuff I KNOW You've been Dying to Know

Creed on his first day of school: “There are tons and tons and Tons and TONS of rules!”

Jack on his first day of school: “There’s a kid in my class who has to wear a helmut during recess and his mom walks him to school on a leash.” Seems like a good idea to me.

Today, after Creed’s second day of school: “Jack’s teacher looks like my teacher. They look like Grandma Julie.” (both skinny, both blondes, go figure)

Their school is peanut free. This is kind of annoying for me. I use enough of my creative energy on my face to face time with the little rugrats. (By providing them with glitter and glue, paint, markers, colored rice, different baking crap, I mean crafts, string, sticks, straws, not to mention all of the creative ways in which I am forced to think of to say “no” over and over.) Now I have to get creative with their lunches, too? I guess don’t want some kid to go into anaphylactic shock because I was too lazy to think of some new source of protein in my kids’ lunch, but peanut butter sandwiches are so easy, and cheap, and easy. The only alternative, affordable sources of protein I can think of are tuna fish and hard boiled eggs. But when I picture them opening their lunches at the table, I imagine the other kids making a beeline from the lunchroom and their teachers fainting when they lean in to answer one of the little angels’ questions after lunch. Any suggestions? (I guess I could stick a mint in the bag.)

Also, the check engine light is on in our car.