Sunday, September 9, 2007

Mmmmmm, Cake Good

We celebrated Stella’s birthday on Friday. I think she had a good day. She received her Halloween costume (Snow White, Not homemade) and a winter coat (light green, also not homemade.) We still need to get her some shoes that are not sandals before the cold winter days, but for now I think we are safe. Creed made her a birthday crown that did not survive long enough for a picture and our next door neighbor gave her a little gift as well.

If we aren’t careful, this girl could get through life purely on her charm. If you haven’t met her, you may think this is a mother boasting, but if you know her, you have to admit that it’s fact. She’s a charmer.

She was also able to speak to various cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents on the telephone. She received a message on the answering machine from Bob’s folks and her cousins singing “Happy Birthday.” I swear, she has listened to it ten times every hour and every time she hears it she answers them “I love you too!” “It WAS my birthday! I’m three now!” (By the way, she says three, not free.)