Monday, March 19, 2012

The Last Six Months in Photos, Part 3

December-New Year's Week

My mom and Sara packed up the car with 3 week old Axel and spent the weekend here so that we could construct our Gingerbread houses together.

George and Grant's first stop: my bathtub.

Creed is a regular baby hog. If there is a baby around, he wants to hold it. His talent at calming a crying baby is uncanny.

Stella and Creed helped my mom decorate her G-bread house.

Grant has recently been introduced to Star Wars so he was thrilled with my Star Wars Pancake skillz.

 When Eddie came we took him & his friend Lani on a local hike.

Newspaper rock from above: Jack & Eddie.

(Not pictured: Christmas. Duh! See this post for a Christmas Re-cap.)

The Roses came for New Years. 

Creed . . . . holding baby Peyton.

Robert's mom, at 69 years old, decided it was high time she learned how to ride a bike.

I suspect that dodging the kids who were running around the backyard made it extra challenging.

After a couple of hours and a few skinned knees, she had it figured out.

And she was pooped.


bamatamb said...

Share with us how you make those pancakes! Do you use cookie cutters? And if so, how do they not melt on your griddle? (I assume they are metal probably, right?) PS--your new home looks gorgeous! I'm so glad you guys are doing well, and I'm so glad that you're so much closer to family so you can enjoy these wonderful visits! (geez, how many times did I just use the word "so"?)

That's Ms. Amy to You... said...
