Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Death by Carbs

How we enjoy Grandma Sycamore bread on the way home from Utah:

It's good to have sandwich fixins available. I love peanut butter and spun honey on my Grandma Sycamore. With a layer of butter (salted, please) as a barrier between the honey and the bread. I like to avoid the crunchy crystals that sometimes form when honey meets bread. Mostly, I like the taste.

Turkey and Cheese are also delicious. I like swiss.

This bread is so good, I confess I enjoy it straight out of the bag. I peel the brown crust off the top first and eat that because it is my least favorite part. Then I eat the soft, middle insides of the slice. And finally, I take the three sides, the three soft and chewy and dense side crusts, flatten them a little with my thumb and my forefinger, and eat them end to end like a piece of licorice.

Sometimes I break a little piece off of the long crust and fold it in half before I consume it.

I decided last week that everyone should have their own loaf. I do not want to share and I don't want to settle fights over the bread rations in the back seat.

I miss mountains and I miss family and I miss dry heat. I wish I could hang out with my sister on a whim, or eat lunch with my mom, or eat my mother-in-law's palabok, or learn more about home renovations from Michelle, or spend time with my nieces and nephews whenever I felt like it. Or go to the Big Red House and drink their soda.

I miss people and places and the feeling of being home so much sometimes that it hurts.

The pain would be so much more tolerable if I could dull it with a loaf of Grandma Sycamore.


Kelly said...

Oh Liz, I'm so glad there is someone else out there that shares my love of Grandma Sycamore bread.

sarita said...

I actually love those crunchy crystals when honey meets bread. And I love Grandma Sycamore Bread as well. They even make hamburger buns now. I will have to bring some back to Iowa for you :)

So sad I missed seeing you while you were here!

The Yarn Queen said...

Oh,sigh that's how I feel about Megan being so far away.

mae said...

We all miss you too. sniff sniff.

Becky said...

I love peanut butter and honey, too! Here's what I do to avoid the hard crystals: I spread the pb first, and then I spread the honey on top of and kind of mix it into the pb so you still get the taste, but the honey is enveloped by the pb so it doesn't touch the bread!

diana said...

I love, love, love Grandma Sycamore's. I also pinch the ends together when I eat it. It makes it taste even better somehow.

Utah also has Cafe Rio, Training Table, The Cheese Factory (in Delta?) and Thompson's Smoke House in Erda.

Mmmmmm.... I miss Utah. And I miss you.