Sunday, November 22, 2009

Jacob vs. Edward

This blog is about to sacrifice some portion of its dignity. Forgive me.

**Deep Breath**


I assume Bella chooses Edward because *spoiler alert* apparently they get married in the last book. I still need to finish the third book and move on to that last one.

I also got around to watching Twilight, the movie, a few weeks ago and this weekend I went to see New Moon.

Robert Pattison plays Edward just how I imagined him: creepy, brooding, controlling, and mildly wussy. Don't get me wrong. Brooding can be fun. I like Mr. Darcy's style of brooding but combine brooding with every painfully cheesy thing that Edward says and it's just too much. Besides, at least Mr. Darcy was head over heels for a spunky girl with some life to her.

Kristen Stewart, although beautiful, plays Bella just how I imagined her: dull, unimaginative, uninteresting, a total bore. She reminds me of all the girls/women I know who cannot function without their other halves. Give me a break.

Jacob, on the other hand, I adore. Happy, enthusiastic, energetic, passionate, and WARM! Oh, how I loved the scene when they were on their way back to her house in the truck and she snuggled right up to him so she could heat up. I don't even know the name of the guy that plays him. Hang on, I'll figure it out. Taylor Lautner. (Thanks, Diana!) I thought he was lovely.

So there you have it, my confession.

Not only am I a fan of Jacob, I saw New Moon opening night.

I went with a few girlfriends and I had a great time with them.

It was so much better than the first movie. I think I liked it better because I find the Bella/Edward drama to be tiresome. Their storyline was minimal in New Moon. They are so BORING together.

The squeals and gasps of the little girls in front of us during the movie were worth the price of admission.

That and the preview for Percy Jackson.

Maybe, just maybe, I see a family resemblance between Bella's werewolf and a certain somebody. Don't deny it, you see it, too. They could be the Filipino cousins to the kids who live just outside of Forks.
Bob and two of his Brothers in the Philippines circa 1999.

(I hope I haven't let my friend down who refuses to read the Twilight books because she is disgusted with the way middle aged women swoon and squeal over them. I may have swooned a tiny bit during the movie. But it was dark, so nobody saw, and I didn't squeal once.)


Nikki said...

I knew I liked you last time you commented on my blog. This proves it even more. Jacob is better than Edward. Hands down.

diana said...

I totally thought Jacob looked like Paul in high school! I just felt kinda creepy saying it after admitting to thinking he was dreamy...and thinking about him much too often for the next few days...

diana said...

oh, and I squealed and gasped and whistled SEVERAL times.

bamatamb said...

I couldn't agree more...I really didn't like the first book, but I really liked the 2nd and 3rd because they have more Jacob in them. Edward is so moody, plus, as you know, I'm a HUGE Anne Rice fan and so the whole only-drink-animals'-blood, I-just-"sparkle"-in-sunlight thing was too much for me.
Go werewolves! :)

Christie said...

Amen, amen, and amen.

Except the part about the book Edward. I loved him. I kept wishing for Jacob to just MOVE ON ALREADY.

But not movie Jacob - he is some serious hotness all wrapped up in his young, hot, buff bidness. Delish.

Sissy Jackson said...

Oh ya, Jacob ROCKS my world. Bella is totally lame and Ed is even worse. I totally agreed with you! Wish we could have seen it together. LOVE YOU!

mae said...

thank you. I did read the first 2 books in the series and although I rolled my eyes the entire time I couldn't put them down.

I wish she would pick Jacob as well. For all the reasons you stated above and also because who wouldn't want little werewolf babies? Well, I guess I wouldn't but at least she could have babies with Jacob. I feel embarassed that I have put that much thought into it. I have to go now.