Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Another Day in the Life

Yesterday was my fourth trip to the DMV in the last four weeks. 

I have to go there again next week because yesterday things did not turn out the way we hoped they would.

At least we arrived with all the proper paperwork this time and Ed was allowed to take the written test. That's progress.

The only thing more boring than going to the DMV is writing about going to the DMV. And the only thing more boring than that is reading what someone else wrote about their trip to the DMV.

Anyway, as they say in my grandmother's line of work, On With the Show.

As a little pick-me-up for the lad, and because I noticed on Monday as I was washing his shirts that he needed it, I thought I would take him to get some new clothes.  You know, after our failed trip to the DMV.

That's how we ended up at TJ Maxx yesterday. Ah, TJ Maxx, how I love/hate you. I love that I can buy a Willi Smith sweater, (who is Willi Smith, anyway? I thought for a moment that the Fresh Prince was designing cashmere blend cardigans until I noticed that little tiny vowel at the end of his first name), a FUBU sweatshirt, and Coach shoes under the same roof as a new Dora the Explorer puzzle, a birdbath for my backyard and also grab a box of Walker's Shortbread on my way out. 

But I hate that, too. I wish they sold pop there so I had something with which to wash down my shortbread cookies.

I'm complicated like that.

While I was in TJ Maxx, I may have bloodied my baby's eye with a shoe I recklessly grabbed from the top shelf, lost my daughter twice, wandered around the ladies' clothing section and found my way into the dressing room before I ever made it to the young men's clothing section for Ed.

Yeah, I'm selfish like that.   And dangerous.

I left with two dresses, both under $20. I haven't bought a dress or a skirt since, hmm, let me think, my sister's wedding! That was two years ago. Two years ago this Tuesday, to be exact. Since I left TJ Maxx, I've been feeling smug and looking for a reason to wear a dress.

Until tonight. I saw a woman wearing one of my dresses. But she was also wearing a pair of jeans. It wasn't a Colorado City kind of look, either. There was nary a french braid or a ringlet in sight. She looked more like she belonged on the streets of Manhattan. (Which is rare in my town. Usually people look like they just stepped out of a Carhartt catalogue.)

Did I buy two shirts thinking they were dresses?  What if I had been wearing a shirt as a dress tonight? Is this a sign of my old age? I am getting older, after all.  My birthday is next week.  Is it just a sign that I need a shopping buddy, I mean one besides my brother? Do I look like I stepped out of a Carhartt Catalogue?

I'm so confused.


mae said...

Rosie, that was the best post ever. Seriously. You are freaking hilarious.

When I read the words ringlet and french braid it reminded me of the time we dressed up as polyg's for Halloween. Awesome.

I love/hate TJ Maxx too! Same with Ross Dress for Less. But that relationship is more hate ever since I saw human poop smeared all over a dressing room.

That's Ms. Amy to You... said...

I actually love the dress over jeans look. It doesn't work with every dress or every pair of jeans, but you definitely have the style to pull it off. Accessories are key to making it chic.

The Anti-Carhartt Queen of Des Moines

Sara said...

Mae took the words right out of my mouth.


Sara said...

By the way, all my husband wears is Carhartt. We would like totally fit in there!

Robyn said...

Liz, everytime I talk to you or even read you I learn something new. Thank you for introducing Carhartt into my life. I ordered 3 new outfits!!!

I think I'll finally start to fit in here. Where have you been all my life?

Christie said...

Ah, TJ. If only they sold McDonald's diet coke there. I'd probably move in for a week and lever leave.

I am NOT a fan of the long dress/shirt with jeans look. I'd say wear them as a dress. Or post pictures for us to decide.

How's that for not helpful?

Laura Bernard said...

Okay, my husband has, since moving to podunkville, purchased some Carhartt products. Pretty awesome, huh! Sad thing is, is it just makes him fit it all the more.

I'm totally with you on needing a shopping buddy, too. Any time I shop for myself, I always find myself asking, "Is this cute or not cute at all?" I think it's age and living in Iowa. Bad combination for fashion sense!

Good luck to Ed. I'll confess that I failed the driving portion twice. I know, most fail the written, but that wasn't a problem for me. Of course, I had decent reasons for failing the driving part, but still, it felt pretty lame no matter the reason. And even worse than the written, I had to wait a month between tries. That was a long three months . . . Hope things go better for him soon!

Marie said...

Short dress? Long shirt? Pictures, we need pictures! I have a shirt/dress too that I'm wondering about. :)

Truthfully, I think you'd look good in anything!

The Yarn Queen said...

LOL very good work. Anything goes anymore so live it up.
Just think of birthday's as a day of celebration or Sunday dinner which ever works out the best having your cake and eating it too.