Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Advent(ures) By Candlelight

On any given night this December, it would have been easy to catch our family gathered around open flames and reading Christmas themed books.
I had the bright idea that we should wrap all of our Christmas books in festive wrapping and give the honor of selecting which one to open and read by candlelight to a different child every night.
We have coupled our literary adventures with hot cocoa and when it's too hot to handle, we sip it through a straw.
One night, somebody threw a tantrum and everyone was fighting when we began. It was the night we had to choose two books because the night before we had skipped reading to go and pick out a puppy.*
When we started it felt like we were fighters between rounds nursing our wounds in our separate corners waiting for the next round to start. With the magic of family dynamics, though, glares turned quickly to smiles and grumbling turned into giggling as Robert read The Nutcracker with silly voices and exotic accents. When I finished up with Let Me Hold You Longer we were all in tears again hugging and kissing each other goodnight.
Reading books together by candlelight: its a Good Thing. (but catching your hair on fire is a very, very bad thing, Stella!!!)

*Yes, we are getting a puppy! She is coming home tomorrow. Pictures coming soon.


Kelly said...

I love this idea. I've wanted to wrap our Christmas books up and do this to but I've never owned enought Christmas stories to make it even a week. Maybe next year! Can't wait to see your puppy and I hope Stella didn't burn her hair to bad.

Becky said...

I wrap our Christmas books, too! I usually do 10 or 12. A few days ago, I bought a new book and secretly replaced one of the others with it. I can't wait for it to be chosen!!

We've also been doing the advent in the Friend.

Christie said...

What an awesome idea. I love the photos, too. So, so cool.

And I CANNOT wait for the puppy deets. The pic on FB was so adorable!

Sara said...

nice photos. nice idea. nice family.

Robyn said...

great idea!! love it!

mae said...

What a beautiful tradition.

Hope you had a merry christmas.

Good luck with the dog.