Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Things I will remember about the day I left Utah

Beware: this blog entry contains an obscene number of sentence fragments. Read at your own risk.)

The rainstorm. Accidentally sleeping until 7:45. Standing up Doug and Sam for breakfast. Crying through family prayer. Driving away from my sister. Being asked to get my husband a cross between a bagel and a donut. The kids going nuts over the rocks for sale at the gas station. The sick feeling of not missing a very brave but very unlucky prairie dog. Jack’s subsequent question: “Did he make it?” Checking the number on every ABF trailer we pass to see if it’s ours. Teaching my kids how to play the alphabet game. Teaching my kids about D-Day.

The first thing Stella did when we arrived in the hotel at North Platte: Pick up the phone and pretend to tell Aunt Sara all about her day.