The next two weeks are going to be full of all kinds of fun.
We may spend a few days in our pajamas.
There will be lots of cooking and baking and eating.
We will exchange the latest recipes we have discovered and try some new ones.
My kids will overwhelm her with requests to: listen to my song, or come see my room, or play a game with me, or read a book to me.
I might try to talk her into helping me paint my hallway (she won't want to do it), I will try to get her to help me finish this other thing I'm working on.
She will most likely help me fold some laundry.
There will be gossip, not the malicious kind, the informative kind.
I predict an encore of our Les Mis sing along.
She won't love the dog, but she'll tolerate her. Sara hates dogs.
I will spend ample energy and time hugging and kissing and smooshing her little boy . . . all that blonde fluff . . .
We will dream of the day that we live just down the road from each other.
We will watch movies and stay up (not too) late.
When she leaves, I will feel refreshed, loved, full.