Monday, December 15, 2008

My list is too long

I'm starting to think that my Christmas cards are going to be New Year's cards.  

It got up to 8˚ today.

Ed got a goldfish to give as his white elephant gift at a Holiday Party.

That's all.

Enjoy the lovely photo of yours truly contemplating her next viewing of Pride and Prejudice.  (Can you believe I just barely saw the A&E version?  I don't know how I have lived until now.)
Maybe if I stop gazing out of windows and watching 5 1/2 hour long movies those cards would get mailed.  Oh well.

The end.


Shannon Smith said...

I think New Year's cards is a great idea. Just last night, I was thinking neighbor gifts are going to be New Year's gifts. Why have all the fun for Christmas, spread the joy out a little bit.

Megane said...

Don't feel bad you are not the only one. We took our xmas pictures 2 weeks ago and I got them developed and just got them sent today. Oh and I still have about 75% of my xmas shopping to do. I am beginning to think my kids aren't getting anything if I don't get out in the -0 weather! Good luck!!!

Christie said...

The only thing wrong with this post is that you have lived this long without Colin as Mr. Darcy in your life. Although he is my boyfriend, I will let you borrow him now and again for viewing pleasure.

Robyn said...

You look dreamy.

I've never ever sent out Christmas Cards.

Nor have I ever seen Pride and Prejudice.

Man, I'm lame!

mae said...

Firstly, I love your new template.

Secondly, I have never sent out Christmas cards. Each year I have ambitions to but have never gotten around to it so I admire you for doing it even if they get out late.

Thirdly, Mr. Darcy is very, very hot.

Sara said...

I have yet to see the A&E version as well. I'm not sending cards this year. I want to, but I'm not going to do it.

You look beautiful.

The Yarn Queen said...

Are you really a MOM of four you don't look it. Beautiful photo! I quit sending cards long ago. I'm lame. Happy Holidays keep the home fires roaring to stay warm. Love Us!

My Voice Marshfield said...

Hi Liz! I just watched that show again--it's great for doing projects too (late at night when your husband is gone)! I am actually officially switching to Valentine's cards--then they'll only be 4 months late when i mail them out in July.
Who cares, eat some chocolate and enjoy the season!
: ) Lisa Lonsdale